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Alien 1979 Nostromo Crew Hat Replica Baseball Cap ::
Alien 1979 Nostromo Crew Hat Replica Baseball Cap
What a great blast from the past! Growing up on sci-fi movies, there were two caps I wanted: the one worn by Sean Connery in Outland, and the one worn by Harry Dean Stanton in Alien. Still waiting for the former, but happy the latter is now being offered by Monsters in Motion. The quality is good, even though the fabric feels thinner than other caps. It's also light and it fits my huge melon of a head. I like it so much, I'm going to have to order a second one, just in case I lose the first one, or if it gets damaged. It felt a bit pricey, but I think it was still worth it.
Date Added: 12/30/2021 by Jules-Pierre M.
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